2014 Trip Across the US & Canada

Day 190

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Thursday, April 17, 2014, Jessie M. Honeyman Memorial State Park, OR - 64.9 miles, 7419.2 For the Trip

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Another short trip up US 101. I probably should have tried one of the other state parks along US 101 since I don't find Jessie M. Honeyman State Park as wonderful as many seem to think it is. I did find a space although most of the loops are still closed for the season. Full hookup for $22.00 so the price isn't too bad, but the park looks "worn". I'm in the only section that had electric sites that were not reserved, and it is the ATV section. A bit noisy & dirty, but it will do for a couple of days. I don't expect to spend too much time outside the trailer anyway - it started to rain as I was hooking up the trailer this morning, and has been raining off & on since. I looked at the forecast for the next week and it looks like rain most days for the areas I'll be visiting.

Site 391, Jessie M. Honeyman Memorial State Park

Dinner was the rest of yesterday's chicken breast & salad. I 'm amazed - I found my Cape Cod Waffle Cut potato chips at the Florence Safeway. They were on sale, so I bought both Sea Salt, which I had before & liked, & Buffalo Cheddar, which I could do without.

While the heavy rain has stopped, it is still misting, and cooling off. I already have the electric heater going; usually I don't fire it up until after dark.

Until Tomorrow -

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This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: April 18, 2014