2014 Trip Across the US & Canada

Day 239



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Thursday, June 5, 2014, Nk'Mip Campground, Osoyoos, BC - 140.9 miles, 9472.3 For the Trip

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A nice relaxing drive up US 97. I had to give up my non Canadian blueberries - the last time I crossed the border at Niagara Falls they were OK, but evidently California blueberries are a no-no here in the West. I should still be able to make a pie, but not two.

I got registered for the rally, picked up my "booty", a set of wine glasses, and stopped & talked with a number of people, some new, and some I've met at other rallies. I took a few photos, including a pair looking each direction in Reace & Tammy's new 5.0TA. I started making the rounds photographing trailers & attendees, but soon realized that I'm never going to be able to stick names with the photos, (there are over 100 trailers attending) so I'm leaving them blank.

Reace & Tammy's 5.0TA
Looking Forward
Looking to the Back
First People Stop Sign
Site 116, Nk'Mip Campground

While I thought I managed to skip needing "Loonies" by doing my laundry in Wenatchee, I still needed some - the showers take one Loonie to run. So, I'll probably end up with a few to toss with the Loonies & Toonies on my dresser in the bedroom at home. While I always plan to take them with me when I leave for a trip, I seem to forget & end up adding to the pile when I get home.

Dinner was a quick sandwich & chips.

Until tomorrow -

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This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: April 5, 2016