2014 Trip Across the US & Canada

Day 282


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Friday, July 18, 2014, Bullards Beach State Park, Bandon, OR, Day 5 - 0 miles, 12,524.9 For the Trip

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I showed the trailer again at 10:00, then started getting ready for the workshops I was teaching this afternoon. I did get a chance to go around the campground & shoot a few photos of other workshops & some more attendees.

My first workshop was fairly crowded - information on inverters. I felt it went well, and it was fun to be back in the classroom. After the class, I added another side to the Easy Up, hoping to make more shade so the images would show up better on the computer monitor during my Long Exposure Photography workshop. It helped a little, but the good thing is the attendance at the workshop was small enough that everyone could get close to the computer so at least part of the images showed up. It would really be a better class to teach after dark so the photographs were more visible. In any case, the group seemed to enjoy it.

Photo Critique Workshop
Wheel Bearing Workshop
The Smallest Trailer
People Photos
People Photos
People Photos
Appetizer Pot Luck
Appetizer Pot Luck

After the workshops, I decided to take down the sides of the Easy Up since it was getting windy. Of course, as soon as I took them down, the wind died.

At 7:00 we had a Appetizer Pot Luck & introductions. Lots of people ranging from their 1st year to a few that attended all 12.

Dinner was a pot pie.

Until tomorrow.

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This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: August 13, 2014