LakeshoreImages Home Page
2011 Trip across the US
2012 Trip across the US
2014 Trip across the US
2015 Trip to Alaska
2015-16 Southwest Trip
2016 New England Trip
2016 - 17 Southwest Trip
2017 - 2018 Trip to Pick Up A New Escape Trailer & More
Other Trips
Other Rallies
2018 2nd Annual Spring Fling
The 2017 Spring Fling in New England, Chocorua Camping Village KOA, NH
Less that two weeks after returning to the east from a winter in Arizona, I headed out with friends Guido & Anne for the Chocorua Camping Village KOA in Tamworth, NH. A large, spread out campground with many sites on a lake.
Thursday, May 11 - The Early Arrivals:
Scamp 19 |
Escape 21 |
Boler |
Oliver Elite II |
Escape 5.0TA |
Oliver Elite II |
An Arriving Casita 17 |
Casita 17 |
Scamp 16 |
Scamp 13 |
Oliver Elite II |
An Arriving Scamp 16 |
Boler |
A Very Happy Dog! |
My Site |
Me, Guido, & Anne |
Friday, May 12 - More Trailers & The Pot Luck Dinner:
A Boler |
An Oliver |
An Escape 5.0TA |
An Oliver |
Meet & Greet |
A Burro |
An Oliver 17 |
A Scamp 16 |
Grilling Chicken |
The Raffle Prizes |
The Pot Luck Dinner |
The Pot Luck Dinner |
The Pot Luck Dinner |
The Pot Luck Dinner |
The Pot Luck Dinner |
This page is maintained by:
Last Update:
May 17, 2018