2011 Trip across the US
Other Trips
The plan was to leave today, stopping at the Lickdale campground in Jonestown, PA. Like all my plans, this has become subject to change.
On Tuesday I fired up the refrigerator - it takes 12-24 hours to cool down the first time it is started. Funny thing - I keep a remote temperature sensor in the freezer & lower sections, and watching them from the house showed them going up rather than down. That is something new, but I've never started it in 40° weather, so I went to bed with it a couple of degrees above the outside temperature. Woke up Wednesday & both sections were at the outside temperature. Not good, not good at all!
Since the trailer is just 1 year old, the refrigerator is still under a 2 year warranty, so I looked up the nearest Dometic Service supplier, gave them a call & hauled the trailer off to Camping World in Syracuse. After an hour or so in the shop they came back with the bad news - the cooling unit had failed. That is unusual in a new refrigerator particularly if it hasn't developed a leak. They called Dometic to find the availability of a replacement & a couple hours after that Dometic hadn't called back, so they suggested I take it home & they would call when the replacement arrives. Could be anywhere from a couple of days if the cooling unit is in stock at Dometic, or weeks if not. Since the 5 cu. ft. refrigerator is not all that popular size, I'm not optimistic that it will be on the short end of the timing, but who knows?
The loose plans were to spend a couple of days in Washington, DC to tour a couple of museums, then a couple of 150 - 200 mile hops to hit the 5th Annual SE Spring Eggscursion in Townsend, TN on the 19th.
So, I will be patiently waiting here in Oswego for the parts to come in (not - at least patiently!) I guess the good thing is it happened before I left. Trying to replace it while on the road would have been difficult.
This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update:
April 20, 2012