2012 Trip - Day 49

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Wednesday, June 20 - Elko, NV - 242.4 Miles Today, 7,717.0 For the Trip

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I stopped for a break at the rest stop near the Bonneville Salt Flats & took a couple of photos. That's about it for scenery although I also have to include the usual site photo - I'm in site 51 at the Double Dice RV Park. Not much more than a place for the night - not even a picnic table! I'll probably eat in the "Double Dice Sports Bar & Grill" (probably why there are no picnic tables!) They do have fast WiFi, which is good since Verizon here at the campground is pretty slow.

Bonneville Salt Flat, NV
Bonneville Salt Flat, NV
Site 51, Double Dice RV Park
Bonneville Salt Flat, NV

Bonneville Salt Flat, NV

Site 51, Double Dice RV Park


Till Tomorrow -


This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: September 22, 2012