2013 Trip To Nova Scotia, Canada

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Trip Index and Day 1


Day 26, July 6 - Whale Cove Campground, NS - 96.7 Miles, 2313.7 For the Trip

It is a little confusing typing a page on the same day you corrected & posted the previous day's journal, but that what happens when you don't have an internet connection. I did discover after we left that Lunenburg has free WiFi all over the city, but by then it was too late.

Anyhow, today we drove to Digby, then on to the Digby Neck, a small narrow section of land and islands between the Bay of Fundy & St Marys Bay. We stopped for the night at the Whale Cove Campground & set up in site 9. Although the WiFi isn't strong enough to get to the campsite, it is available at the basement museum in the campground. The combined social room and museum in the basement is different from most campgrounds. Along with the usual printed information about the area, it has a collection of all kinds of hand made items, and all kinds of other "stuff". Well worth checking out. In fact, whle a little primative compared to "Resort" campgrounds, this place is a gem. Our site is on top of a hill with a great view in all directions. Only 20 amps, but cool enough that I didn't need AC. For those in tents or small trailers, highly recommended!

After that we took a ferry to Long Island, the first of two islands at the end of the neck. We parked & hiked out to Balanced Rock, an interesting rock on the edge of the bay. It was also an interesting walk. I was wearing my sandals, not planning a hike, then found it was about 1.5km out to the rock. Actually, the sandals were better than shoes - we hiked through a bog that required getting your feet wet in many paces. The mud washed out from between my toes, rather than walking in wet socks. I included some photos of Don & Anne balancing themselves on the way to Balanced Rock!

After that it was a ferry ride back & a long shot of a lighthouse on the tip of Long Island. The photo shows why you shouldn't try to shoot long distances on a hazy day...

Waiting for the Ferry
The Ferry Arrives
The Fleet Returns
The Fleet Returns
Waiting for the Ferry
The Ferry Arrives
The Fleet Returns
The Fleet Returns
The Ferry
Some Boats
The Better Part of the Walk to Balanced Rock
Jumping Puddles
The Ferry
Some Boats
The Better Part of the Walk to Balanced Rock
Jumping Puddles
Jumping Puddles
Balanced Rock
Balanced Rock
Stairs at Balanced Rock
Jumping Puddles
Balanced Rock
Balanced Rock
Stairs at Balanced Rock
Another View
More Rocks
A Shack on the Way Back
Another View
Another View
More Rocks
A Shack on the Way Back
Another View
A Hazzy Lighthouse
Site 9, Whale Cove Campground
A Hazy Lighthouse
Site 9, Whale Cove Campground


We are now back at the campground. It is cooling off, although the refrigerator is a bit warm. The bouncing road misaligned the burner so the flame wasn't right, and eventually went out. I fixed it, but by then the freezer was up to 16°F. It is now cooling slowly in the 85°F outside temperature. Dinner will be grilled sausage, and a salad with a Drumstick Ice Cream Cone for dessert.

Until tomorrow -


This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: July 7, 2013