The Grapes of Wrath
Rehearsal & Construction Images

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Pulling Nails Work in the shop Pulling Nails Some of the Cast
Some of the Cast Some of the Cast Some of the Cast Pulling Nails
Stacking lumber Stacking lumber Pulling Nails Stacking lumber
pulling nails Pulling nails Pulling nails This will become a truck!
Laying out the set Sewing in the Costume Shop Sewing in the Costume Shop Removing a traveler
This really will become a truck! Cutting Steel! Building the Shack The Designer working on the truck
Raising the Shack Building the Legs Building the Legs More work on the Shack
Work on the Truck Moving a flat Distressed but not stained The truck has a windshield
Distressing with a chainsaw Pushing the truck Staining the shack The light plot & work table
Starting the sides of the truck Framing the hard legs Framing the hard legs The start of the river bvank

Rehearsal & Construction Images

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