The House of Yes
Rehearsal & Construction Images, Page 1


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Construction, House of Yes Construction, House of Yes Construction, House of Yes Construction, House of Yes
10/25/01 Construction 10/25/01Ckeaning the Trap Room 10/25/01 Rigging 10/25/01 Rigging
10/25/01Ckeaning the Trap Room 10/25/01 Construction Cleaning the Traproom Cleaning the Traproom
Cleaning the Traproom Pulling the rope blocks on the grid Pulling the rope blocks on the grid Pulling the rope blocks on the grid
Pulling the rope blocks on the grid Pulling the rope blocks on the grid Legging the platform Cleaning the 2nd prop gallery
Cleaning the trap room Yea, like we're working! Legging the platform Legging the platform
The Designer gives notes The director choosing headshots Some of the light hang crew says hello Checking Lightwrite
Uncoiling cables Drilling Steel Putting in the deck Putting in the deck
Putting in the deck Rebuilding & Cleaning a candlestick Rehearsal 11/7/01 Rehearsal 11/7/01
Rehearsal 11/7/01 Rehearsal 11/7/01 Rehearsal 11/7/01 Rehearsal 11/7/01

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