Oswego Pumpkin Fest
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The 20th CNY Great Pumpkin Festival - October 1st & 2nd, 2011
Well, there won't be photos of all the entries - they changed the set up for weighing the pumpkins - it makes sense since in the past the drivers of the tow motors moving the pumpkins spent half their time avoiding running over kids, strollers, etc. The problem is they put up a barrier which they requested I stay behind and it was difficult to get photographs of the pumpkin, the winner and the scale at the same time from behind it. On top of that, this year they only showed the weight on the scale display for a couple of seconds, usually before they gave the ribbon to the participant, so many of the photos show blank scales. With the wind & rain, they gave up on the board listing the names and weights after a few entries, so I was not able to label the images. Oh well, I got some photos.
It was a cold (48°F) windy,and rainy day so pardon the water smears on some of the photos. After a half hour I went back to the car for my "emergency" gloves! There were a few spectators that braved the weather for the entire weigh-in, but most only stayed for a short time or took lots of breaks warming up in their vehicles.