Our 2001 RV Rental & Trip to Pennsylvania, Page 14
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Spring Ricketts Glen Trip 2010
Fall Ricketts Glen Trip 2010


August 11, 2001 (0 miles) Ricketts Glen

Ricketts Glen is the whole reason I wanted to make this trip to Pennsylvania. I'm not sure where I first heard about the Waterfall walk, but since then I have wanted to see & photograph to 22 waterfalls in the park. I guess you could call me a waterfall nut. I love to sit & watch & listen to them as well as photograph them. I have a web page on this site with photographs of some of the other waterfalls we have seen in our travels.

Anne & Carol dropped Don & me at the Lake Rose Trail head Parking Lot, and drove to the Evergreen Parking lot at the bottom of the trail. (Hey, if given the choice, always walk downhill!) The waterfalls form a "Y" with us starting at the upper left. We never did see the upper right set of falls. We quickly discovered that August is not the best time to view & photograph waterfalls. Some of the falls had almost no water going over them, but after a few streams joined, there was enough for some decent photos. The photos are not in order & although each falls has a name, I don't know which is which.

Top of the Trail
Not Much Water
A Little More
One of My Favorites
Don & a Falls
Even More Water
The Last Falls
The "Clown" RV
Getting Ready
The Formal Picture

We met Anne & Carol at the bottom, and while resting, an RV pulled up & an entire wedding party climbed out. It looked a bit like one of those circus clown cars - they kept coming out! Anyhow, they climbed over the rocks to stand next to the falls for their wedding party photos. I believe they may have been doing a little celebrating on the way - they were none too steady getting into position, but they were climbing on mossy rocks in formal wear! Anyhow, no one fell in, they got their photos in a beautiful place, climbed back into the RV and left.

I loved the walk, and hope to get back to Ricketts Glen in the Spring when a bit more water is flowing. We still need to see the upper right side of the "Y".

Tomorrow it is back to Oswego.


This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: March 20, 2012