2011 Trip across the US
2012 Trip across the US
Other Trips
Well, I got just as many complaints about the new background gray as I did for the original black, so I'm going with something in between.
I took a walk down to the Furnace Creek Borax Museum to watch an exhibit of flint knapping. While I've read lots about it since I'm as fan of the W. Michael & Kathleen O'Neal Gear's North America's Forgotten Past books ( People of the _____), I have never actually watched someone doing it. Had an interesting talk with the Knapper.
After that it was back to the campground. I climbed the hill behind Texas Springs and took a couple of photos of both the campground, Sunset Campground, and a panorama of the Furnace Creek area.
Steam Engine That tried to Replace the 20 Mule Teams |
The Flint Knapper |
Texas Springs Campground |
Sunset Campground |
Rocks Above the Campground |
A Panorama of the Furnace Creek Area (Large 1.5MB Version)
After that I sat around the campground reading, and showed the trailer to a couple of campers. I made an early dinner around 3:30 of stir fried chicken with potatoes, onions, peppers, mushrooms & asparagus. It was great, and I have enough left over for tomorrow. It is one of the dishes that is messy enough that I only make it when the campground has a slop sink (like here).
Since there was some decent afternoon light I decided to drive to Zabriskie Point for a couple of photographs, including another panorama.
Zabriskie Point |
Zabriskie Point |
Zabriskie Point |
Zabriskie Point |
Park Sign |
Zabriskie Point (Large 1.8MB Version)
Until tomorrow -
This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update:
August 14, 2014