2011 Trip across the US
2012 Trip across the US
2014 Trip across the US
2015 Trip to Alaska
Other Trips
Another do nothing day at Imperial Dam. During my morning walk I found another fiberglass trailer on the other side of the campground. A young man in a Trillium that is traveling with others in a 5th wheel. I didn't talk long; they were packing up to leave.
After that I pretty much sat around reading, taking some movies of hummingbirds that are pretty useless without a lot of editing which I may try to do tomorrow. I did spend about 10 minutes playing my Navajo flute & no one ran away...
Dinner was the rest of the Walmart fried chicken.
Until tomorrow -
This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update:
February 20, 2016