JV's RV Blog Pages -

I don't really know what to list these pages under. They are not individual or family journals or blogs, but should be of interest to those who RV or travel for pleasure. Check the "General Travel" links as well.

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Taking Your Camera on the Road (Added 3/15/06) Take two photographers, four cameras, a stack of field guides, and a spoiled old cat. Put them in a 30 foot fifth wheel trailer, well greased. Mix in 50,000 miles, 1500 rolls of film, a new transmission, 6 tires, 6,000 gallons of gas, a cracked windshield, 14 oil changes, 2 tune-ups, 2 sets of spark plug wires, new truck brakes, 1 computer monitor, 3 hard drives, and a motherboard. Pour through 23 National Parks, 26 states and provinces and stir for 22 months. Bake in the Florida sunshine then freeze in the Canadian Rockies. Defrost and sweat for a year in North Carolina and then pour into a new mold in Israel for several years. Shake and bake them in the Middle East for five years, then leave them sweating in Mobile, Alabama, until….well, with this recipe - who knows? V & Brent's photographic web site. Also available as an RSS Feed.

Winding Roads by Joe Schmidt (Added 3/10/06) Well here is another web site I don't know where to put, but you definitely need to see. Quoting Jow ""Winding Roads" is a cartoon strip by Joe Schmidt about the humorous side of Camping, RV Motorhomes and the full time RV / Motorhome lifestyle. It was syndicated and distributed by Full Tilt Features. It's now published free online." Check it out!

American Frontiers - A Public Lands Journey From their "about" page: "The Journey, or Trek, involved two groups of travelers: one starting north from the Mexican border and the second headed south from the Canadian. Their route lay entirely on public lands, a feat that has never been accomplished before. The trek began on July 31, 2002 and ended two months later when the two teams met in Wasatch-Cache National Forest near Salt Lake City, Utah on September 27." For more about the organization check the about page. The journal collection provides hundreds of entries from 25 team members.

Trip to Somewhere (Added 9/5/05) If there are not enough journals & blogs listed on my pages, check this site - as of today they list 484 travelers from around the world.

My Trip Journal.com (Added 11/23/05) Find journals & blogs for all kinds of travel around the US or anywhere in the world and by almost any means possible. Use the search function (Upper left) to find your travel of interest.

This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: March 21, 2012