Nantucket - Monday, August 29, 2011

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Other Trips:

Nantucket Trip August, 2005
Nantucket Trip August, 2007
Nantucket Trip August, 2008
Nantucket Trip July 2010



Well, we survived the storm. We never did get much rain, the power never went off, and the highest gust here at David's was 32mph although I believe we had higher gusts. We were very lucky - they are reporting that parts of New England will not have power for up to a week.

I made a dump run to get rid of some weeks old bluefish that was in the back of the fridge, and since I'm heading back to the mainland tomorrow at 6:30AM, spent much of the afternoon packing. I hope there is electricity in Hyannis. I really don't want to fill my gas tank here on the island where the gas cost is about $1.00 more per gallon than in Hyannis but as of this morning at least part of the city had no electricity. I guess I'll gamble!

When David gets home from work We will get out the ladder again & take down the weather station transmitter. According to Davis Instruments, the makers of the Vantage Vue, it is still under warrantee. They will send a new transmitter board & want the old one back. I hope Dave can do the replacement since I probably won't be back on the island until next year!
