2011 Trip across the US
2012 Trip across the US
2014 Trip across the US
2015 Trip to Alaska
Other Trips
Today is the start of my third week of dry camping here at the La Posa LTVA. I'm getting used to not having 120V AC, and only need to dump the waste tanks & fill the fresh water tank every 2 weeks. I'll change that because I'm heading to Sedona this weekend & I'll dump on Thursday rather than travel Friday with half filled tanks.
I spent the day sitting outside in my chair reading. I took a break in the afternoon to buy the fixings for chili. I couldn't find the exact stuff I use at hone (including home grown & canned tomatoes) so it was a bit of an experiment. Reducing my recipe I use at home for a large pot that makes two meals for two plus 7-8 batches to freeze is a little tricky. Quite a bit hotter than my usual, but it was chili, I'm in the southwest, not upstate NY, so that's OK. Even though I tried to make a small batch, I have enough to eat it again tomorrow, and freeze a batch for sometime in the future.
Until Tomorrow -
This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update:
December 9, 2015