Our 2001 RV Rental & Trip to Pennsylvania, Page 9
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August 6, 2001 (56mi) - Gettysburg

We have found it isn't a wire - one of the "Black Boxes"{ on the firewall seems to be the problem. You need to tap it to start the engine on the RV. Since we only have a 2 week rental, we decided that, as long as we know what to tap & it keeps working, we don't want to lose the time it would take to get it fixed. A bit strange that it happens every night, but never when we stop for the day...

Anyhow, the plan is to park the RV at the Gettysburg KOA for two days & use Don & Anne's van to see the sights. KOA Campgrounds (or should I say Kampgrounds) remind me of McDonalds & Burger King. You will always pay a bit more but know what to expect. Takes the fun out of making a "new discovery" but... We are in site 10 with electric and water. Everyone climbed into the van, we stopped for a CD to act as a guide & toured Gettysburg. Many monuments & battlefields. After many hours of driving from stop to stop, we had dinner at General Pickett's Buffets, an interesting tourist trap, but much more fun that Denny's. The food was good & although I don't know if he was a hired plant or not, an old guy entertained us with answers to any question we had about the Battle of Gettysburg. After that it was back to the RV for the evening.

Gettysburg, PA
Gettysburg, PA
Gettysburg, PA
Gettysburg, PA


This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: March 20, 2012