2011 Trip - Day 48
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Saturday, June 4 - Mono Lake & Bodie Ghost Town Revisited - 205 miles - 8679.8 for the trip

As Yogi Berra would say "It's deja vu all over again". Both Don & Anne wanted to see Mono Lake & Bodie Ghost Town, and they both fit into our schedule so there we went.

We were a bit too early to register for the campsites at Mono Vista so we headed to the South Shore Tufa site with the trailer attached. They accepted both my Senior Pass & Don's Annual Pass for admission. They actually had a park ranger at the entrance. The sky was overcast, which gave everything a different look. I liked the blue sky against the formations, but you get what you get.

Mono Lake
Mono Lake
Mono Lake
Mono Lake


After that we dropped the trailer at the campground (Site 41) and all got in the RAV4 & headed for Bodie. Much nicer this time - we could drive to the normal parking lot rather than walk a mile & a half like my May 8th visit. Most of the snow has melted, and it was a lot more crowded, both with visitors, volunteers, and rangers. There were also many more open buildings, including the museum and the inside of the Methodist Church. Took a bunch of photos at the park & will add some of them to the Bodie Page. I included some interiors, and my favorite (not really) a Direct TV antenna hanging off the back of one of the buidings (The ranger's House).

Bodie State Historicsl Park
Bodie State Historicsl Park
Bodie State Historicsl Park
Bodie State Historicsl Park
Bodie State Historical Park
Bodie State Historicsl Park
Bodie State Historicsl Park
Bodie State Historicsl Park
Bodie State Historicsl Park
Bodie State Historical Park
Bodie State Historicsl Park
Bodie State Historicsl Park
Bodie State Historicsl Park
Bodie State Historicsl Park
Bodie State Historical Park
Bodie State Historicsl Park
Bodie State Historicsl Park
Bodie State Historicsl Park
Bodie State Historicsl Park
Bodie State Historicsl Park
Bodie State Historical Park

After that it was back to the campground (in the rain) & a spaghetti & sausage dinner. Since it is raining, and likely to get pretty cold (it went down to 12°F last night at Bodie, although it is 1000' higher than we are here) we decided to try all of us in the trailer. We will start putting it together after I post this.

Till tomorrow -


This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: March 20, 2012