2011 Trip - Day 66
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Wednesday, June 22 -Salt Lake City, UT- 68.7 miles, 10,882.6 for the trip

Not much interesting going on today. I now have a clean sensor on the Nikon D700, and my RAV4 has all new fluids, including transfer cases, etc. Although it was a little early for the transmission fluid change, towing, particularly in hot weather & 8-20% grades is a lot of work for the poor thing.

Other than that, I spent the day reading, thinking about where I'm going tomorrow - the current thought is to head up US 89 until I either hit the Tetons, or stop sooner if I get tired of driving. I'd like to spend some time in the Tetons - a beautiful park.

Till Tomorrow!


This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: March 20, 2012