Oswego Pumpkin Fest
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Previous Pumpkin Fests

The CNY Great Pumpkin Festival, October 3rd & 4th, 2015

Steve & Jeanne Marley - 1543.5 lbs



This years Central New York Great Pumpkin Festival started out cool, but without rain. It was a slow start because of problems with the scale, but it was fixed (at least for awhile) and the weighing started around noon. About 2/3rds of the way through it was discovered that the scale had failed again. After fixing it some of the pumpkins & squash were weighed again, so I hope I have the correct photo with the correct weight. A few photos don't show the weight - the digital readout on the scale is strobed faster than the eye can see, however slow enough that a camera can take a photo while it is off. Unfortunately, a few are shot that way. A few show a different weight than the "official" weight - the scale moves around by a pound or two. In any case, here are some photos of the event & the weighing:

Bringing in the Pumpkins Bringing in the Pumpkins Bringing in the Pumpkins Raby's Donated Tiller
They are Big! Setting Up the Scale Steve Wescott - 95 lbs Richard Vogle - 132.5 lbs
Moving Up the Pumpkins For Weighing Julene Sandford - 151.5 lbs Checking the Pumpkins Katherine Adams - 435 lbs
Katherine Adams - 368.5 lbs Katherine Adams - 418 lbs Jeremy Robinson - 487 lbs Dave McMelon - 376.5 lbs
Eric Gerry - 406 lbs Jeremy Robinson - 478 lbs Steve Wescott - 461.5 lbs Tim Bailey - 547.5 lbs, Prettiest Pumpkin
Tim Brumaghim - 573 lbs Tim Brumaghim - 568 lbs Kristie McKan - 609.5 lbs Katherine Adams - 719.5 lbs
John Miller - 649.5 lbs Chris Hernandez - 658.5 lbs Kyle La Plant- 820 lbs Wendy Brumaghim - 44 lbs
Tim Brumaghim - 45 lbs Brian Kibler - 848.5 lbs Wayne Seelow -1130 lbs Ken Spaulding - 906 lbs

Gary Adams - 1056.5 lbs Andy Wolf - 1038 lbs Brian Starling - 1076.5 lbs Checking the Cracks
David DuBoy - 1046.5 lbs Jeanne Marley - 751 lbs Steve & Jeanne Marley - 890.5 lbs Jim Hazeltine - 1251.5 lbs
Walter Miriam - 1320.5 lbs Karl Haist - 1172.5 lbs Gary Adams - 1183 lbs Richard Vogler -1343 lbs
Christine Erdman - 1026.5 lbs Ray Fletcher - 1271 lbs Waiting For Her Pumpkin! Courtney Seebro - 1471 lbs
Todd Brownell -1269.5 lbs Brian Starling - 1375.5 lbs Jeff Alberts - 1487 lbs Tim Finn - 1434.5 lbs
Steve & Jeanne Marley - 1543.5 lbs, Largest Pumpkin Willian Bobier - 1471 lbs Loading the Final Pumpkin Karl Haist - 1533 lbs

Again, I hope I hve the right weights; with the scale problems I may have missed an updated weight. If so, let me know & I'll fix it.

For information on giant pumpkins, go to the Pumpkin Nook:

Previous Pumpkin Fests

This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: October 4, 2015