Our 2001 RV Rental & Trip to Pennsylvania,
Page 6
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Other Trips:
August 3, 2001 (199mi) - A Very Big Home
The Fonthill Museum is a concrete castle built by Henry Mercer in 1908 as his home. It has 44 rooms, 18 fireplaces and more than 200 windows. The museum houses "The Tools of the Nation Maker," over 50,000 tools & artifacts collected by Henry.
The Building |
A Boat |
A Carriage |
Anne & Carol |
Anne & Don |
After the museum, we decided to head back to Binghamton for the Spiedie Fest & Balloon Rally. It has moved back to Otsiningo Park, a short walk from Don & Anne's house. Since the Spiedie Fest is quite popular, we decided to call ahead to Chenango Valley State Park & reserve a site for two days - it is good that we did since all the electric as well as most of the non-electric sites were gone. New York, like many state & federal parks uses Reserve America for reservations. I'd rather drive through and pick out a spot from the empty ones like we did on the 30th, but at least we have one that the RV fits in. Stopped at the discount gas station on I 81 just before the NY border - it took 34 gallons.
This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update:
March 20, 2012