2011 Trip across the US
2012 Trip across the US
2014 Trip across the US
Other Trips
A bit of a late start today; I didn't sleep all that well & tried to catch up between 4:00AM & 8:00AM. I'm heading southeast; not sure where I'll end up, but I hope to see some of the parts of Oregon and east that I haven't already been to. I'm not starting off well - I cruised down I5 to I84, both of which I've done many times. I got as far as Troutdale, a bit east of Portland. I'm in site 152, a full hookup site, including cable TV for $37.89 with the Good Sam discount. A very commercial style RV park; concrete pads, street lights, grass lawns at each site. It looks like many are either permanent or long term campers, but very well kept up. Very nice bathrooms & showers; my only complaint is they are at the other end of a long walk through the campground. While not a complaint since they don't bother me, the park, like all of them along the Columbia River Basin have near by trains going by, complete with tooting horns. There is also a near by small plane airport.
They do have another great feature - they want you to wash your trailer. It is in the rules that you have to wash them twice a year. I asked and they said it was OK to do mine. So, I had to wait until almost sunset to post the page so I could take a photo of a clean trailer. I washed off about 50 lbs of Alaskan dirt!
A Clean Trailer!
Other than that, I didn't do much. I grilled a chicken breast & steamed some snap peas for dinner, took a shower, and talked with Don & Anne on the phone. They went to Palouse Falls on my recommendation, but it was over 100°F so they didn't spend much time taking pictures. While it was in the 90°F over the last couple of days here, last night on the coast it was in the 60's, and felt cold.
Until Next Time -
This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update:
August 4, 2015