2011 Trip across the US
2012 Trip across the US
2014 Trip across the US
2015 Trip to Alaska
2015-16 Southwest Trip
2016 New England Trip
Another relaxing day. After a walk around the campground & breakfast, I talked with Anne on Facetime. She was at my house finding the truck registration so she could mail it to me. Since she was on Facetime, I got to look t the house. Wow, it is huge! Actually, it is a small 1200 sq ft house, but compared to the trailer it is pretty big.
I did some reading, then walked down to the river to take a couple of photos. Lots of boats of every kind from kayaks to speedboats. After that I had a shower, then made dinner - a chicken patty, Bush Beans, and a peach fruit cup.
Dry Camping on the River | The Colorado River | The Floating Bar & Grill | The Colorado River |
Until Tomorrow -
This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update:
March 10, 2017