2018 - 2019 Trip

Day 45

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Tuesday, September 18, 2018 - Duke's Slickrock Campground, Hanksville, UT, Day 4, 0 Miles, 3,969.8 Miles for the Trip

A slow day. Still hot - temperatures in the high 90's. We drove to the BLM office to check on some hiking locations, but all the ones we wanted to see seemed to be a bit too long a hike in the heat. So, we pretty much sat around and read all day long.

Dinner was the last of the chicken patties and me having a Quorn fake chicken patty (one of Karin's favorites, and one that I can't tell from chicken. We also finished off the coleslaw & some Annie's Mac & Cheese. Very windy - we had to hold onto our plates to keep them from blowing away!


This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: September 19, 2018