2011 Trip across the US
2012 Trip across the US
2014 Trip across the US
2015 Trip to Alaska
2015-16 Southwest Trip
2016 New England Trip
2016 - 17 Southwest Trip
2017 - 18 Trip to Pick Up a New Escape 21 Trailer & More
Friday, February 15 , 2019 -SARA Rodeo Grounds, Lake Havasu City, AZ, Day 5 - 0 Miles, 8,176.8 Miles for the Trip
While there were some fireworks last night (the first of 4 days worth), it was during light rain, so there are not too many photos. Most of them have the "wiggles" since I couldn't put the camera on a tripod, but had to handhold so I could tip the camera lens down to keep the raindrops off of it. It is evident that they don't mind shooting off fireworks in the rain, but watching & photographing them is difficult! Still, I did get a few:
I ended up making a couple of trips to town. The first was to ask for a paper prescription for the new eye drops that the doctor at Barnet Dulaney Perkins Eye Center gave me a sample. I checked with my prescription plan & the drops are a tier 3, which is the most expensive with a copay of $30.00 for a 30 day supply, but that is still much cheaper than the over the counter price at $303.76. I'm sure glad I have a prescription plan - just my eye drops alone would run close to $700.00 per month without it. Anyhow, they were not sure they could get a paper prescription to me before I left Lake Havasu since the doctor was off today (and the weekend). Just as I got back to the rodeo grounds, a voice mail told me the paper prescription was ready, so back to town.
Other than driving around Lake Havasu, the day was spent relaxing & reading. The day was/is partially cloudy, and I started out at -50 amp hours, but by 3:30, the solar panels have got that down to -11 amp hours.
Dinner will be chicken tacos, provided by the rodeo grounds.
Until Tomorrow -
This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update:
February 16, 2019