2011 Trip across the US
Other Trips
Tuesday, July 17, Alder Acres RV Park, Coos Bay, OR, - 12.5 Miles Today, 9,638.4 For the Trip
I'd have to call it a good day / bad day - the parts came in for the refrigerator, however it was late enough that there was not time to replace them today. The problem is to install the thermostat the refrigerator has to be pulled; there isn't enough room to get tools at it when the refrigerator is sitting on the deck. The good news is they can do it in the morning.
I spent the day doing a bit of shopping, and stopped by the Coos Bay AAA to pick up a couple of maps & camp books for the remainder of the trip. I mentioned my dislike of the new Woodall based camp books & the person there agreed with me, however even though she and others have complained, it is a cost thing & it is unlikely the national AAA is going back.
It is drizzling again tonight. If it stops dinner will be Orange Chicken & Rice, if not, probably peanut butter & jelly.
Well, I decided to violate one of my "rules" & cook a fried meal inside the trailer. Generally, I only heat water since I don't want to "grease up" the insides, but I really didn't want PB&J for dinner, the refrigerator will be off for a number of hours so the food might spoil, it's still misting - all excuses, but the orange chicken was good! Of course, about an hour after finishing the meal the mist stopped & there are blue skies overhead right now.
Till Tomorrow -
This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update:
July 18, 2012