2011 Trip Across the US
2012 Trip Across the US
Other Trips
Another day with 0 miles on the RAV4, but lots on Don & Anne's Sienna. We went to Louisbourg to visit the Fortress of Louisbourg. This is a large fort, the largest in Canada that defended the French interests until the mid 1700's when the British chased the French out of Canada.
It wasn't very crowded, maybe because it was raining all day & tomorrow, Canada Day, all Canada's National Parks are free. We spent a couple of hours walking between buildings, chatting with the reenact-ors, etc. On the way back to the campground we also stopped at a nearby lighthouse that is part of the fort. I believe they said it was the first lighthouse built in Canada, however the one we saw was probably a replacement. It was so foggy that the photos don't do it justice, but that is how it is!
After the lighthouse we made it back to the campground around 5:30 & started dinner. Tonight we will be dining on Cheeseburgers, mashed potato & broccoli.
Till Tomorrow!
This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update:
July 1, 2013