2011 Trip across the US
2012 Trip across the US
2014 Trip across the US
2015 Trip to Alaska
2015-16 Southwest Trip
2016 New England Trip
2016 - 17 Southwest Trip
Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - La Posa West LTVA, Quartzsite, AZ, Day 52, 0 Miles, 3,740.2 Towing Miles For the Trip
Back to cool nights; 48°F at 6:00AM, but with the clear skies, my quilted long sleeve shirt was way too warm on the walk back from coffee. It does warm up fast as long as the sun is out. Yesterday's rain stopped for a bit around dinner time, then started up again around 11:00. When I looked outside around 3:00AM, the stars were out.
We had a 5th wheel move in directly across the road from Linda's Sunrader & my Escape trailer. Not the largest 5th wheel in the area, but they take the prize for the loudest generator. They have a construction generator mounted in the back of the truck, and while I couldn't make an exact distance measurement (I didn't have the nerve to ask them to hold one end of a tape measure) at roughly 21' (the standard distance for measuring generator noise), it measured 78.5db on the "A" Weighted scale. In other words, loud! They ran it for a couple of hours during the morning, and again for an hour during the afternoon.
It is a new, nice looking trailer; I don't understand why, after spending the money for a new trailer, one wouldn't spend the $600.00 - $1000 for an inverter generator designed to be nice to your neighbors. Since they never unhooked the truck from the trailer, there is reason to hope they plan to move on SOON!
Another new arrival is a large Class A that moved in on the other side of Linda. So far, no generator noise from them. It is that time (a week and a half) before the RV show that this part of the campground gets crowded.
I did very little during the day. Lots of reading, answered email, and tried to get my next batch of prescriptions set up. I still don't understand the refill process. Before I left Oswego, my doctor gave me a set of prescriptions with 2 refills. I got one set of fills in October at a Rite Aid. I was told that while the individual pill bottles stated there were no refills, my hometown Rite Aid still would show one refill left & when I went to another Rite Aid 3 months later, I could get the last refill. Nope! So, I asked what needed to be done, and the Blythe Rite Aid faxed requests to my 2 doctors for new prescriptions. My hometown doctor told me this would work like a charm; I could even do it while I waited at the drug store (he no longer will write paper prescriptions). Well, so far it didn't work at all. Neither doctor sent back scripts as of this afternoon. I'm glad I start the process while I still have at least 2 weeks worth of meds.
That was about it for the day. Dinner was microwaved left over orange chicken.
Until Tomorrow -
This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update:
January 11, 2018