2019 - 2020 Trip

Day 132, City Golf Campground, Douglas, AZ, Day 2

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Saturday, February 29, 2020 - City Golf Course Campground, Douglas, AZ, Day 2 - 0 Miles, 4,527.8 Miles for the Trip

A very boring day sitting around the campground. I spent most of it in the trailer. Warm enough outside at 78F, but very windy. The campground is full, with someone moving into site 15 next door last night. I updated my retirement portfolio at TIAA - Gulp! Let's hope the Covid 19 panic calms down. If it keeps going the way it has been this last week, I doubt anyone will be attending any of the rallies for which I already have reservations.

If I'm lucky, you may not hear from me for a couple of days. I'm heading to Sunny Flats tomorrow where there is no cell service, but with only 14 first come sites, and only about 5 that the 21 will fit, I may not get a site. If not, I will head on to I 10 & Lordsburg, NM.

I finished Trails of Deception, the third in a series of 8 books by Rich Curtin, all featuring Manny Rivera, a deputy sheriff in the Moab, UT area. His writing style is similar to the late Tony Hillerman & his daughter Anne, but not as well done. I love reading about many of the areas I've visited & hiked, but I can't quite grasp what is missing. In any case, I'm enjoying the series & will probably continue through all 8.

Dinner was a couple of Bueno Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas.

Until Tomorrow -


This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: March 2, 2020