2024 Trip to Algonac Rally & The Niagara Wine Escape Rally

Day 8

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Tuesday, September 10, 2024, Dalewood Conservation Area, St Thomas, Ontario, Canada - 83 Miles, 457.8 Miles for the trip.

Another cool night at 50°F; the electric heater ran more than the previous night. I packed up the trailer after breakfast, then sat around for a bit since we were only going 83 miles so no hurry to leave.

The border crossing went fine although there was a long wait for someone ahead of the Guidos at the bridge payment booth. Just the usual 30 second, 3 questions at the border. We drove most of the way on the QE 402.

I'm in site 71, and the Guidos in 70. Both are water & 30 amp electric on grass. Not all that level needing 1 1/2" side to side and the nose is 1" too high, but not enough out that I didn't bother unhooking. $74.00 Canadian or $55.15 US for the night.

Me in Site 71 The Guidos in Site 70

Dinner was a Savory Brown Sugar Pork Loin, Mac & Cheese & Apricots.

Until Tomorrow -


This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: September 11, 2024