2024 Trip to Algonac Rally & The Niagara Wine Escape Rally

Day 12

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Saturday, September 14, 2024, Riverside Park Motel & Campground, Niagara Falls, Canada, Day 4 - 0 Miles, 591 Miles for the trip.

A little cooler than last night, down to 55°F by early morning. I walked north along the parkway until I reached the cormorant roost.

After breakfast I dropped a couple of things at the blue tarp, a give away location. Managed to lose one item, but I believe my MIMO antenna is going to travel with me forever.

After showing the trailer a couple of times, I walked around doing some morning photos:


While there were not many takers on my "blue tarp stuff, lost of stuff traded hands.

The pot luck was wonderful, as usual. The raffle of stuff made 3 rounds before everything was gone. After that folks gathered around the campfire.

A couple of panoramas of the pot luck crowd:

Large 6.8Mb Version


Large 4.5Mb Version

Dinner was, of course, the pot luck. All three pies as well as a couple of peach pies went!

Until Tomorrow -


This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: September 15, 2024