Bolerama & Takoma Park Trip, 2024

Long Beach Conservation Area, Wainfleet, ON, Canada, Day 2

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Thursday, July 11, 2024 - Long Beach Conservation Area, 0 Miles, 186.9 Miles For The Trip

A wet & warm night. It finally got down to 68°F by 6:00AM, but even with the Maxx fan running it was still 73°F in the trailer. The rain mostly stopped - a heavy mist during my morning walk around the campground.

There are already around 10 Bolers here in the campground, most in the most favorable spots along the lake. One other Escape & a couple of Bigfoots.

The misty skies have kept the temperatures down; while still quite humid at 96%, it is still only 67°F at 11:15 AM. Even with the low voltage (115V AC with a 5 amp load this morning) I had to turn down my refrigerator; it is 33°F in the bottom & -7°F in the freezer.

During the afternoon three Bigfoots arrived in the serviced sites next to ours. Folks we have met at a number of rallies. After saying some hellos, the Guidos went shopping. I decided to make a blueberry pie today rather than tomorrow when it is going to be 8 degrees warmer & sun. Right now the pie is in the oven & it is 74°F out & 79°F in. The pie was done by 4:15 & the trailer only got up to 80°F (still 74°F outside). Of course both the stove power vent & the Maxx fans were running at full speed & most of the windows were open.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in the Clam reading. Current book is Well-Schooled in Murder by Elizabeth George. I haven't been posting my books lately, but have been enjoying the "Cork" series by William Kent Krueger, both on the Kindle & as audio books.

Dinner was chicken tacos.


Until next time.

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Last Update: July 12, 2024