Bolerama & Takoma Park Trip, 2024

Long Beach Conservation Area, Wainfleet, ON, Canada, Day 4

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Saturday, July 13, 2024 - Long Beach Conservation Area, 0 Miles, 186.9 Miles For The Trip

Another warmer than comfortable night. I should add that I like to sleep with temperatures near 60°F, so for most, the 70°F overnight temperature would be fine. I did run the AC for awhile to cool the trailer down to 70°F from the 80°F it was when I finished dinner.

I took the camera with me on my morning walk and adds a bunch of photos to the Bolerama page. After breakfast I sat outside and read. I finished Well-Schooled in Murder by Elizabeth George, but had to put the 4th in the series on hold. I had already downloaded book #4 in the series, A Suitable Vengeance (there are 20 of them) so no problem getting it. I usually have a 2 - 4 week wait on the next book in a series that should be read in order, so since it was available, I downloaded #5, For the Sake of Elana. With a 21 day loan I should not have a problem reading both.

So, after an afternoon of reading, trying to find the limited shade available, around 4:30 we loaded the truck and headed to the barbecue. Hamburgers or hot dogs, potato salad, strawberries, watermelon, and a single blueberry pie that didn't make it through 1/4 of the line. Should have made a couple, but it was awfully hot... Lots of photos on the Bolerama Page.

Dinner was the barbecue.


Until next time.

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Last Update: July 14, 2024