Spring Fling 2024 Trip

Day 8, Uncle Alan, , NH

2011 Trip across the US
2012 Trip across the US
2014 Trip across the US
2015 Trip to Alaska
2015-16 Southwest Trip
2016 New England Trip
2016 - 17 Southwest Trip
2017 - 18 Trip to Pick Up a New Escape 21 Trailer & More
2018 - 19 Trip to Winnipeg & the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta
2019 - 2020 Trip to the Southwest
2021 - 2022 Trip to the Southwest
2022 - 2023 Trip to the Hungry Mother Rally
2023 - 2024 Southwest Trip

Other Trips

2017 Spring Fling
2018 Spring Fling
2019 Spring Fling
2021 Spring Fling
2022 Spring Fling
2023 Spring Fling



Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - Uncle Alan, Nashua, NH - 79.1 Miles, 533.6 Miles For The Trip

A warm night. The electric heater set at 67°F never came on. We took our time getting out of the park since we only had around 80 miles to go to Uncle Alan's driveway. One long 45 minute delay on Rt 3. Completely stopped the entire time, but when the traffic started to move no sign of why it was stopped. As we got close to Nashua, both my & the Guido's Garmin refused to let us off Rt 3. Mine kept crashing due to the heat (91°F outside with the sun bearing down on the windshield). Eventually, between Anne, their Garmin & mine we reached the house a little before 3:00.

We are set up in the driveway. The Guidos are plugged into the garage outlet while I'm running off batteries. The Maxx fan is running full blast & is keeping the trailer around 87°F.

Uncle Alan's Driveway


Around 4:00 the Guidos headed to pick up a meat lover's pizza & coke for Guido's 94 year old uncle. They will visit with him for dinner & a bit, then come back to the driveway.

Dinner for me was a Amy's Enchilada meal.

Until Tomorrow -


This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: May 27, 2024