LakeshoreImages Home Page

2011 Trip across the US
2012 Trip across the US
2014 Trip across the US
2015 Trip to Alaska
2015-16 Southwest Trip
2016 New England Trip
2016 - 17 Southwest Trip
2017 - 2018 Trip to Pick Up A New Escape Trailer & More
2019 - 2020 Trip to the Southwest
2021 - 2022 Trip to the Southwest
2022 - 2023 Trip to the Hungry Mother Rally
2023 - 2024 Trip to the Southwest

Other Trips

Other Rallies

2017 Spring Fling
2018 Spring Fling
2019 Spring Fling
2021 Spring Fling
2022 Spring Fling
2023 Spring Fling

The 2024 8th Annual Spring Fling in New England, Chocorua Camping Village KOA, Tamworth, NH

Thursday, May 16th:

Thursday evening was a cheese & crackers get together:


Friday, May 17th:

At 10:00 Painting With Sandy had a class of about 10 producing bird paintings.

After that I walked around the campground for some photos:


At 1:00 there was a cooking demo with Kim & Dennis, and at 2:00 a tour of some solar systems:


At 5:00 the Pot Luck Dinner:


Saturday, May 18th:

The day stgarted with trailer tours in an off & on light rain:

After that came the Sewer Hose Toss:


Sunday, May 19th:

Not much happening today; lots of folks leaving. Join us next yeat - May 15 - 18, 2025.

Heading Out


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Last Update: May 21, 2024