Salmon River Fish Hatchery Open House, September 25, 2010
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The Salmon River - 2006
The Salmon River -2008
Salmon Fishing 2009
Salmon River Fishing, Pulaski, NY 2010
Salmon Fishing on the Oswego River - 2007
Salmon Fishing on the Oswego River - 2008
Salmon Fishing on the Oswego River - Fall 2011
There is an Open House today at the Salmon River Fish Hatchery at 2133 County Route 22 in Altmar, NY. Although they don't start extracting salmon eggs until October, there were plenty of activities for young & old. The free event ran from 9:00AM until 4:00PM with no admission charge. There were tours of the facilities, casting lessons, fly tying, fish identification lessons, some beautiful hand made cedar boats & kayaks, along with many exhibits by organizations supporting outdoor activities.
Some Pictures:
Along with the Hatchery activities, the Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust featured a group of local artists at both the hatchery and at Salmon River Falls producing the 2010 Tug Hill Paint Out - 3rd Annual Invitational Plein Air Event. Fifteen of the region's premier "in fresh air" artists were actively painting at both locations. The paintings were sold at a benefit auction that evening with all proceeds benefiting the Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust.
Some photos from a very crowded Salmon River Falls: