Skidaway Island State Park, Savannah, GA

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Day 83, Friday, January 10, 2025, Skidaway Island State Park, Savannah, GA , Day 3 - 0 Miles, 3,153.3 Miles for the Trip

While my water hose didn't freeze, it was close with a low of 31°F overnight. The high for today was 44°F.

I had a quick breakfast then headed to one of the Savannah Mavis tire stores to have my Goodrich KO2's replaced. They had 51K miles on them, and probably could have done another 10K, but that would still be before the KO3's were available in my size, and I don't expect to keep the truck for another 50K miles. A long wait for the tires to be installed - 2 1/2 hours.

After the tires I headed to a Savannah Walgreens for my latest prescription and a card for my brother's birthday. Of course I arrived at 1:30 when they go on their lunch break, but they opened right at 2:00. There was a Publix next door so I stopped and picked up some stuff.

Back at the trailer I went for my morning walk that I skipped to get my tires, and checked out the laundries. There is one in each bathroom, 2-3 washers & dryers. $2.50 to wash & $2.00 to dry. Depending on whether the predicted rain hits, I'll do laundry tomorrow or Sunday. The campground is officially full, with a sign at the entrance station. I only saw one empty site on my walk. The Escape 19 has been replaced with a large 5th wheel.

I finished Brian Garfield's Hopscotch, and started The Ferryman by Justin Cronin.   I finally finished listening to Boy's Life by Robert Cammon, and started the  Fire Weather audiobook by John Vaillent.

Dinner was Scott & Jon's Shrimp Alfredo bowl.

Until Tomorrow -


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Last Update: January 13, 2025