2011 Trip across the US
2012 Trip across the US
2014 Trip across the US
2015 Trip to Alaska
2015-16 Southwest Trip
2016 New England Trip
2016 - 17 Southwest Trip
2017 - 18 Trip to Pick Up a New Escape 21 Trailer & More
2018 - 19 Trip to Winnipeg & the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta
2019 - 20 Trip to the Southwest
2021 - 22 Trip to the Southwest
2022 - 23 Trip to the Southwest (A short trip)
2023-24 Trip to the Southwest
Day 87, Tuesday, January 14, 2025, Skidaway Island State Park, Savannah, GA , Day 7 - 0 Miles, 3,153.3 Miles for the Trip
Not as warm as the last couple of nights, but still 40°F at 7:00AM. By 2:00 it made it up to 51°F, the warmest in the last week or so.
I checked my weather app and the temperatures at Roland Cooper State Park were in the teens with highs in the low 30's. While my schedule has me there in early February, it is still quite a bit cooler than the current temperatures of campgrounds on both sides of the stop. So, I made reservations further south. I'll now be staying at Wandering Oaks RV Park in Milton, FL. Not warm, but not in the teens. I canceled Roland Cooper early enough that I only lost the reservation fee of $5.25.
When I did the first calculations for drive distances, I found it added 800 miles between stops. Seems there are a couple of Wandering Oaks RV Parks, including another one in Florida. The one added to my Trip Wizard route was in Texas. I moved it to the one in Milton, FL and it is back to my preferred driving distances. Hope it warms up by February.
Not much else going on today. I did my usual walks, found a Casita, and the Oliver is still here. The park has a wide range of RVs from huge class A's to class B vans. While the warmest it has been in awhile and sunny, not many sitting outside. I'm inside reading. Around 4:00 it reached today's high of 53°F.
Dinner was Knoor Creamy Pesto pasta with a chicken thigh from the freezer.
Until Tomorrow -
This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update:
January 15, 2025