Three Rivers State Park, Sneads, FL

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2017 - 18 Trip to Pick Up a New Escape 21 Trailer & More
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2019 - 20 Trip to the Southwest
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Day 99, Sunday, January 26, 2025, Three Rivers State Park, Sneads, FL, Day 3 - 0 Miles, 3,521.5 Miles for the Trip

Another slightly warmer night, 29°F at 7:00AM. Clear skies and 49°F by 11:00AM.

During my morning walk I found 3 empty sites, although during breakfast at least one RV pulled out. Still a popular campground. One row of 7 sites plus a cabin are on the shore of Lake Seminole. No swimming because of alligators, although this time of year they are in brumation (yes, I had to look that up), but there is a fishing pier & boat launch just for the campers.

Lake Seminole Alligators The Pier An American Coot
The Pier Lots of Coots The Campground From Pier My Site

It reached 62°F so I dug out the camping chair and sat outside in the sun reading. While a few folks left during the day, more arrived. I only see one empty site besides the non reservable first come site #1.

Around 3:30 I headed for the showers. Florida does not spend much money on heat. There is a large AC that is a heat pump attached to the building and it does provide a bit of warming, but the hidden thermostat must be set at 55°F because that was about the temperature in the building. 3 showers, one disabled. I used the center one which has a soap dish, medium volume low pressure shower head (the same one I carry with me) and a 2" lip between the shower & drying area. A shower curtain between and the shower head 180° to the curtain.

10 hooks in the drying area as well as a large bench. A little water gets around the stiff shower curtain, but most of the drying area floor stays dry. Plenty of adjustable hot water. Overall, a B+ (an A if the room was warmer).

Back at the trailer I read outside for awhile, then started dinner.

Dinner was a baked Barber Chicken Cordon Bleu, baked potato, and creamed spinach.

Until Next Time -


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Last Update: January 27, 2025