2011 Trip across the US
2012 Trip across the US
2014 Trip across the US
2015 Trip to Alaska
2015-16 Southwest Trip
2016 New England Trip
2016 - 17 Southwest Trip
2017 - 18 Trip to Pick Up a New Escape 21 Trailer & More
2018 - 19 Trip to Winnipeg & the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta
2019 - 20 Trip to the Southwest
2021 - 22 Trip to the Southwest
2022 - 23 Trip to the Southwest (A short trip)
2023-24 Trip to the Southwest
Day 145, Thursday, March 13, 2025, High Falls State Park, Jackson, GA, Day 8 - 0 Miles, 4,201.4 Miles for the Trip
Another early morning in the high 40's & t50°F for my morning walk. We had a number of folks move in after I posted yesterday - this morning there were 14 sites occupied.
After my walk I started a load of laundry. $2.00 per wash or dry, but if you pick heavy duty wash it charges an extra $.50. A front loading washer. After breakfast I read on line journals & forums while I waited for the washer load to finish. Heavy clouds & 55°F at 11:30AM kept me in the trailer. I finished Barbara Kingsolver's Unsheltered (an excellent book) and started a collection of Science Fiction Hugo Award Nominations The Long List Anthology, Volume 5 collected by David Steffan. I don't usually read short stories, however I have a couple of collections of them in my library so I decided to try this one. I also finished listening to Heads You Win by Jeffrey Archer and started Battle Mountain by C. J. Box, Joe Pickett #25. I usually read the Pickett series by Box, but I needed an audio book and this one was available. It will need to be a fast "read" since it is coming from Boward County Library and they only do 14 day loans rather than the 21 day loans that the NY Public Library offers. While I do have the reading speed set at 1.25 any faster destroys the pacing.
I guess my load of laundry was OK for the washer (they spun dry well) but too much for the dryer - I had to run it a second time, both on high heat.
Back at the trailer I sat outside and read. Not much sun, but little breeze & it hit 70°F. I have a new neighbor next door. A long trailer for the narrow road with a ditch across from the site, but he got it in. Looks like a total of 18 sites filled, 3 with tenters.
Dinner was a grilled chicken thigh and creamed spinach.
Until Next Time -
This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update:
March 13, 2025