Back to Jon Vermilye's Photo & Travel Page
My Trip Journals:

Current Oswego Page
Oswego Page 1 - February 2006 - July 2006

Oswego Page 3 July 2007 - February 2008
Oswego Page August 2008 - July 2009

NOTE: The Oswego page was getting a bit large - See above for older pages & a link to the current Oswego page.

Animals & Insects
Landscape / Scenic
Other Images
State & National Parks
Theatrical Images

Oswego Links

Oswego County's Official Web Page
New - Real Property Search Database This is the New SDG system used to check property values, assessments & more in Oswego County.
Oswego City's Official Web Page
State University of New York at Oswego
Old Fulton NY Post Cards - also search for newspaper articles from Oswego County Newspapers (PDF files)

Oswego Images:

All photographs Copyright © 1996 - 2007 Jon R. Vermilye

The Oswego Lighthouse

The Oswego lighthouse has quite a history (See "The Lighthouse Digest") I love taking photographs of it because it continually presents a new & different image each time I see it. The changes in sky, the lake and the seasons all provide an infinite variety of backgrounds. More lighthouse photos further down the page




The 11th Lake Ontario Bird Festival - May 19 & 20, 2007

More images at Lake Ontario Bird Festival

Do you want to see Owls, Hawks, Falcons & Eagles? Listen to native American music? Learn more about birds? Get to the Lake Ontario Bird Festival at Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Resort in Mexico, NY.

Jellystone sign
John Wood
Horned Owl
Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park
American Bald Eagle
John Wood & a Hawk
Horned Owl


Bridges To Caring Walk - May 5, 2007

The 2nd annual "Bridges To Caring" walk took place today (Saturday) starting at the Fulton Price Chopper. For more pictures: "Bridges To Caring" Page.

An Oswego sign of Spring!

Although there are many signs of Spring, for Oswego one of the best is the opening of Rudy's. Even though the ice is still on the lake, snow on much of the ground, and last night it was 13 degrees, this afternoon the sun came out, the temperature went up to 47 degrees and the fish sandwiches & coney hots were flying out of the friers & off the grills.



The Super Bowl Storm

Well, I don't know what to call it, but it did start on Super Bowl Sunday. Our local NBC affiliate calls it the "Monster Storm." In any case, the photos below were taken on Thursday, February 8th, 2007. As of 1:00PM, some snowfall totals - Oswego City 5' - 11", Mexico 6' - 4", Parish 7' - 4", North Redfield 9' - 4". Many drifts well over 10' and everyone is running out of places to put the snow. We still expect to get a couple of more days of lake effect snow, so most areas in Oswego County can expect to get 2 - 4 feet more snow by the weekend.

Update - As of 2/9/07 at 12:30 totals for Parish is 8' - 0' and North Redfield is at 10' - 2"!
Update #2 - Unofficial total for North Redfield as of 12:00 Sunday, 2/11/07 is 144" or 12'!

Update #3 (2/12/07) - Well, Redfield may or may not have the new record for a 7 day snowfall. The current New York state record of 10 feet, 7 inches of snow that fell in nearby Montague over seven days ending Jan. 1, 2002. The problem is lake effect snow is difficult to measure since it is very light & compresses rapidly. If measurements are made once a day, it will be less than if measured every 6 hours. The sort of official, but really unofficial total for Redfield is 11' - 4" which would break the record. The National Weather Service is currently working to determine if it is a new record. In any case, there is lots of snow & a Northeaster is predicted to dump another 12" - 18" on Tuesday & Wednesday.

More photos at Oswego Snow Storm.


CNN's Uplink Truck
Channel 3 is here too!
State Rt 104
Springside at Seneca Hill


Paul's Big M & Snow Pile

Well we have had a couple of days without snow - Today (February 20th) it reached 40 degrees & things are getting cleaned up:

Shoveling Roofs
A Typical Parking Lot
Cutting to the Full Road Width
A Serious Snow Blower



Rice Creek Snow Storm 1/19/07

This has been a quiet, warm winter, but today the Lake Effect turned on. Thunder & Lightning, Grapple, and snowfall that goes from whiteout to sun in minutes! Some photos at Rice Creek and County Route 89.

Another October, Another October Storm - 10/29/06.

This time the Coast Guard was out doing some training in 50 - 60 mile per hour winds.

The Shoreline Off SUNY Oswego
Some Cormorants "Resting" in the Harbor
Taking Some Photos of the Harbor
Working in the Relatively Calm Harbor
Along the Breakwall
Along the Breakwall
Passing the Lighthouse
Waves Over the Breakwall

For more photos of the storm, check Mary Ellen Barbeau's images at the Oswego County Department of Promotion & Development's Storm Page.


Sterling Nature Center, Sterling, NY - October 26, 2006

Well, it isn't Oswego, in fact, it is Cayuga County, but since it is only about 5 miles away, I'll add it here. If you are looking for a place to enjoy the Fall colors, this is a great place to do it. From Oswego, take Rt 104 West to 104A, and after crossing into Cayuga County, look for McFarland Road on your right (for those that have been there, it is the road to the Renaissance Faire). At the sharp corner just before the Faire take a right on Jensvold Road. It dead ends at the Nature Center. Look for signs along the way.

More Photos at Sterling Nature Center, Fall, 2006

A Trip to Salmon River Falls, October 6th, 2006

Although it is a bit early for full color in northern Oswego County, I took a trip to Salmon River Falls:

Fishing Near Pulaski
Part of the Falls
Enjoying the Day Above the Falls
The Salmon River Below the Falls

More photos at Salmon River Falls 2006

It's Fall, September 30th, and time for the 13th Annual Central New York Great Pumpkin Festival!

Thousands of pounds of pumpkins appear in Washington Square Park, with a $1500.00 prize going to the grower of the largest. In addition to the battle for the largest pumpkin, there are crafts, food and games for the crowd.

Washington Square Park
Shopping for Pumpkins
Arm & Face Painting
The Craft Tent
Cooking Lots of Chicken!
Want a Ride?
Fritz's Polka Band
The Audience
A Full Park
Even With All the Rides, a Slide is Great!
The Rotary Club's Sorcerer
The Contestants
Getting Ready to Weigh the Winner
Hitting the Scales
Eric Gerry & His 912.5 lb Winner!
The Pumpkin Growers


This weekend (August 11 - 13) the 250th Anniversary of the Battle of Fort Ontario was celebrated in Oswego by hosting the largest gathering of French & Indian War re enactors ever assembled in central New York. More photos at
French and Indian War 250th Commemoration Reenactment

Well, whether you view Harborfest as Oswego's biggest party of the year, or as the time to get out of town for the weekend, it's here!

Some photos from Friday, July 28 afternoon:

Boats are already stacked
The Sheriff checks things out
Pretty near full!
Loading fireworks for Saturday Night
The River Stage
Lakeview Stage
Lakeview Stage
Children's Stage
Can You Sing the "Weiner" song?
Lots of Food!
I'll bet it's hot in there
Should I or not?


Another big part of Harborfest is the Grucci Fireworks presented by Entergy. On Saturday, July 29th, over 100,000 people line Oswego Harbor to watch the 23 minute show:

Many More photos at Harborfest Fireworks.

Tarps & Blankets Reserve Space
The Rain Clears, People Arrive
The Crown Gathers
The Show Opens!
Bursting Overhead
The Crowd Watches
Some Launched From the Breakwall
The Finale

Current Oswego Page
Oswego Page 1 - February 2006 - July 2006

Oswego Page 3 July 2007 - February 2008
Oswego Page August 2008 - July 2009

This page is maintained by:
Last Update: March 25, 2012