2021 - 2022 Trip To The Southwest

Day 97, La Posa West LTVA, Quartzsite, AZ, Day 46

2011 Trip across the US
2012 Trip across the US
2014 Trip across the US
2015 Trip to Alaska
2015-16 Southwest Trip
2016 New England Trip
2016 - 17 Southwest Trip
2017 - 18 Trip to Pick Up a New Escape 21 Trailer & More
2018 - 19 Trip to Winnipeg & the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta
2019 - 20 Trip to the Southwest
Other Trips



Tuesday, January 25, 2022, La Posa West LTVA, Quartzsite, AZ, Day 46 - 0 Miles, 3,765.5 Miles for the Trip

The area is thinning out. Dave & Pam left this morning while I was on my walk for coffee. The Casita & van across the wash also left.

Escape owners Peter & Nancy from NY stopped by without the trailer to visit & head for the Big Tent show.

Verizon is having a bad day. While mail sneaks through, reading web pages is very slow if you can connect; most of the time you can't. I tried my usual Speakeasy speed test, and while the site comes up, the test doesn't.

I wandered over to the Big Tent for a last look through, then on to a booth at the Tyson Wells area to pick up some Anasazi Beans. They are a favorite dried bean that I generally buy here in the southwest. While they are available through Amazon (like anything else), the cost is more than the the $3.00 per pound they are here. A 10 pound bag is $23.00, but that is more than I'd use in a couple of years. I could do better buying bulk at a grocery store, but I rarely find them.

Peter & Nancy stopped back after their Big Tent adventure with some stuff, but as usual, a couple of items they were looking for were out of stock and and "would be here tomorrow". We chatted for a bit & they headed back to Yuma. They plan to arrive at Dome Rock for the trailer rally on the 7th.

Dinner was a grilled chicken leg quarter, baked potato & creamed spinach.

Until Tomorrow -


This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: January 26, 2022