2021 - 2022 Trip To The Southwest

Day 18, Anacoco Lake Spillway RV Park, Leesville, LA

2011 Trip across the US
2012 Trip across the US
2014 Trip across the US
2015 Trip to Alaska
2015-16 Southwest Trip
2016 New England Trip
2016 - 17 Southwest Trip
2017 - 18 Trip to Pick Up a New Escape 21 Trailer & More
2018 - 19 Trip to Winnipeg & the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta
2019 - 20 Trip to the Southwest

Other Trips


Sunday, November 7, 2021 - Anacoco Lake Spillway RV Park, Leesville, LA - 161.1 Miles, 1769.4 Miles for the Trip

A quiet, and fairly warm night. It didn't go below 45°F. I was up early due to the change back to standard time. By 8:00 I was up taking a walk around the campground. After breakfast I packed up the trailer, and headed out. The road looked better on the way out. That might be because the only part that was really bad was the 1/2 mile closest to Rt 61. Still, other vehicles stopped and pulled over to let me by in the narrow sections.

Most of the drive to Leesville was on good 2 & 4 lane roads, with a 65MPH speed limit on much of it. I took a photo as I crossed the Mississippi. That is one of my "tells" that I'm really on the way. The radio stations change to start with "K's" rather than "W's", and Alaskan Amber beer is available (although I didn't find it at my Walmart stop)!

The Bridge over the Mississippi River

On the Louisiana side of the Mississippi, I grabbed a windshield shot of what was an abandoned casino that I ran a Red Cross recovery program during the aftermath of Katrina. We drove to many small towns that were evacuation areas for those hit by the hurricane handing out debit cards. It now appears to be a conference center. On the way to Leesville, I drove through 3 of the towns where we set up our program. A little scary driving a van carrying over $1,000,000.00 worth of debit cards, although we were told they were not activated until we turned in the day's results back at the Alexandria office.

The Casino

As mentioned, I stopped at Walmart in Alexandria, LA and filled the freezer plus a bunch of other stuff. I replaced the non functioning clock. I also topped off the gas tank at $2.99 per gallon, the cheapest gas of the trip.

I arrived at the Anacoco Lake Spillway RV Park around 2:00. Not the fanciest place I've stayed. The person in the store couldn't find my reservation, but decided that if I found the place, I must have had one. $30.00 for water & electric. There is a sewer, but I didn't use it. I included a photo of the men's/woman's bathroom, outside & inside. There is a shower, but even I don't think I'll use it.

Site ? The Bathroom Men & Women

As to the lake, most of it is dried up, although the park's web page shows someone holding a catfish about half as tall as he is. According to one of the guys sitting in the store, the lake is drained every 7 years or so, but the part that is left is still full of fish. One of them caught a 10 pound bass yesterday.

Anacoco Lake The Spillway

There is another fiberglass trailer in the campground. It is a Boler, the granddaddy of all fiberglass trailers. In 2018 I attended the 50th Anniversary Boler Rally in Winnipeg, CA.

A Boler

I walked around the campground then read for the rest of the afternoon.

Dinner was an Amy's Veggie Loaf, a vegetable based meatloaf (without the meat). Not bad for a frozen meal.

Until Tomorrow -


This page is maintained by: vermilye@oswego.edu
Last Update: November 8, 2021